
SpeedQuizzing at The Edinburgh Fringe Comedy festival

Throughout the month of August 2019, the co-creator of SpeedQuizzing, (Alan Leach), rebranded himself as ‘Alan Shed’ and attempted to combine SpeedQuizzing with standup comedy for a daily, hour-long show at The Mash House in the heart of the Ed-Fringe festival. It was Alan’s first attempt at an actual comedy show rather than just hosting.. Read more

Pro Quizzer Interviews: Eggheads – Lisa Thiel

In 2014 Lisa Thiel from Leeds, became the latest addition to the line up of Eggheads on the popular daily BBC Two programme. She has previous appeared on The Weakest Link, The Chase and the Eggheads spin off series “Revenge of the Egghead“. In the first of our Pro Quizzer Interviews, we spoke to Lisa.. Read more