Pubs & Bars

Trivia Nights / Pub Quizzes

Over 1000 venues around the world now host SpeedQuizzing smartphone pub quizzes every week. These range from small village pubs with a handful of teams, to large bars with up to 400 players.

Hire A Pro

As well as being confident on a microphone, a professional SpeedQuizzing host will generally own all the necessary equipment. They will know all the different game formats and will ensure that the whole thing runs smoothly, taking care of the technical side of things as well as keeping your customers engaged.

Find a SpeedQuizzing host

Host It Yourself

Alternatively, if you think you or a member of your staff has what it takes to host SpeedQuizzing (including reading out questions on a microphone) then check out our User Guides which will show you how to purchase the WiFi Hub, install the software on your laptop and present the different game formats. You will also learn tips on how best to promote your events.

Read the user guides

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