
What’s new in V4? Article 5: New Look Live Screen

Live Screen has been a fabulous addition to SpeedQuizzing for some time, meaning you can bring a visual element to your quizzes if you have the facility to use it.

In version 4 we have gone back to the drawing board on how Live Screen looks and how it works.  Previously, Live Screen was very black and white, with an addition of green when it came to the scoreboards but now you will notice a distinct inclusion of colour to it.

Corporate Events Quiz

Corporate Events Quiz

As you can see from the screen grabs, the colour plays a large part with the new Live Screen look, the bottom teams will appear in red and the teams will slowly turn to green as they get closer to the top.  The length of each box around the team name is also relative to the scores and how far apart the scores are.  Live Screen will also group together any teams that are on the same score to make it easier to distinguish anyone that is in (e.g) ‘joint 3rd place’.

Live Screen now has a feature to gradually reveal the scores as you read them.  Currently in SpeedQuizzing, you will scroll through the scores at the end of the a round and read them off in ascending order.  Now, if you have Live Screen active at the time, the scores will be revealed on screen as you scroll through them, meaning that people can visually see the scores, as you read them out.

Finally, the 10 second countdown has changed… not by much, but we wanted to give it more a brand appropriate feel.  The 10 seconds is something that is very true to SpeedQuizzing in the same way that the 30 second countdown is to the TV show Countdown.  So with that in mind, we designed a visual look to the countdown that will become distinguishable as the SpeedQuizzing clock.  Here is how it looks:

Corporate Quiz Events

The ring around the number decreases as time counts down.  This is also visual on Live Screen as well as your own question screen.  Whilst it might not do anything to make the games more exciting, it is definitely more pleasing to the eye.

There are a couple of other minor adjustments to the way Live Screen looks and handles overall, making it visually more pleasing and easier to work with.  We hope that you are pleased with the designs we have put forward and look forward to using them when Version 4 becomes available in the new year.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please feel free to contact me on

Tags: corporate, Events, Host, live screen, Questions, Quiz, quiz night, software