What’s new in V4? Article 4: Question Previews

Something we have been asked for for quite some time is a simple addition to Version 4 which we believe everyone will be very pleased with.
Now before you click to ‘Start Round’ you can preview the questions in a single window in the software. This will allow you to have a quick glance through the questions before you go ahead, just to make sure you are about to host the right round.
Previously it would have been a case of loading the round up and flicking through the questions whilst everyones keypads would still be changing, meaning that it didn’t look very seamless. Now as you view the questions, you have time to come back and out and load up another round.
Again, as we stated in previous articles, this might not seem like a massive addition but it definitely is a very useful one. We have had many requests for this as functionality and we are happy to say that it has now become a reality.