SQ Host Interview: James Boyle

Name? (and company you operate for if you do)
James Boyle, Jump Entertainments
Where do you live?
Burgess Hill (sussex)
Which venues do you host quizzes at?
Lots! regular ones, Every monday in brighton (student quiz) Every tuesday (paper quiz) and every other sunday in various pubs around sussex
How long have you been hosting quizzes?
Approx 15 years now 🙂
How long have you been using the SpeedQuizzing software?
Just over a couple of years now..i love it!
Favourite Quiz team name?
“Touched by god..fingered by Jesus” so wrong! but cant help laugh
Which of your venues is the most popular?
Varies for different reasons, both nights are very popular, both averaging around the 20 teams mark
Which of your venues is the rowdiest / best atmosphere?
Brighton for sure! Student quiz! and its speed quzzing! so much fun!
If you could host a quiz anywhere where would it be?
That’s an interesting question, never really thought about that! I’ll work anywhere that’s big enough to fit quiz teams in….so for the benefit of this survey, I’ll say the moon! lol! Just cos i can!
What’s your favourite thing about SpeedQuizzing?
The inability for teams to cheat! and its more like a game show then a regular quiz! at times its soooo tense
Do you use any unique rounds / ideas / features of your own or do you just stick to the SpeedQuizzing format?
I do three keypad rounds (normal, go wide and evil round) , 3 music rounds (songs, tv and movie themes, musicals, number ones, what year, everything really, it changes every week) and 1 round of nearest win at the end.
Any tips for people wanting to host quizzes?
Just be yourself…the software is very good, and will do the quiz for you! what makes you different from all the other quiz hosts out there, is you as a person! most important, remember to enjoy yourself…if you do, so will your teams!