Precarious Beer Project, 110 South Henry Street, Williamsburg, 23185
6:30 PM • Wednesday 19 Feb 2025
Prizes, Gift cards for top three teams | FREE to play
★ 1330 This event is hosted by Matt Chambers
As the owner of Squared Away Entertainment, I began hosting SpeedQuizzing Trivia Nights in July 2017. I love hosting SpeedQuizzing because it brings a whole different dynamic to traditional pen and paper quizzes. I also found them slow and easy to cheat if you really wanted to win. SpeedQuizzing takes the cheating out of it and teams interact with each other more than pen and paper quizzes. I also make it a priority to add in different mini-games to get the crowd more involved as well as special rounds and theme quizzes. If you are interested in learning more about SpeedQuizzing in Virginia, please contact me at 7576032371 or!