Nearest Wins Game


The Nearest Wins game is a variation on the Numbers-Keypad game but rather than requiring an absolutely correct answer to be inputted, only one team can score per question by answering nearest to the correct answer. For this format to work, deliberately difficult numerical questions are used. These questions are designed primarily to be used as tiebreakers or bonus big points questions.

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How to host a Nearest Wins round

  • With at least 2 devices connected to the host software in the teams list, click Load on the Nearest Wins’ section.

  • Select a green SQN Nearest Wins file which will display the Round settings dialogue. Click Start Round.

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  • With the question showing on your screen, click the Game Rules tab which will display some instructions for you to read out prior to starting the round.

  • From the moment you commence reading the question from the laptop screen, players can start inputting their numeric answers.
  • Tip (As always with any numbers question, a firm reminder that they will need to press Enter to submit their answer is always a good idea)
  • Once you have read the question (repeating it if necessary), you are ready to hit the blue Start Timer button. At the end of the 10 second countdown you announce the correct answer at the exact same time as hitting the blue button. Followed by saying “The 30 points go to…“.
  • Now hit the blue button again to announce which team have been awarded the points.
  • The 30 points (Default) go to which-ever team answered closest to the correct answer, however in the event of multiple teams tie-ing, then the points will go to whichever team were fastest to submit their answer.